Character art and design
Hi there! Thank you for showing interest in commissioning me. I have examples of my work and what you can purchase below. But before I get into the prices I would like if you read my TOS. Thank you!C:
How my commission process goes: Once payment is sorted, I will have a WIP ready for you to approve. I work through first come first serve but I get through all my linework WIP's first, then I continue on to finish each individual piece.
Regards nsfw: I am very specific on what nsfw content I create. Email or note me on furaffinity if you have questions on this:)
There can be up to 2 adjustments before I begin finishing the piece(Unless I have forgotten something you had already said). Once that is sorted I will continue to finish the piece. There will be no more adjustments after this time.
Please submit a reference sheet with your description or a past art piece that shows your character well. If you do not have a reference sheet, please provide any photos and descriptions that will help in creating your character.
At the end you will receive a high res PNG of your work (please note I don't give the PSD's out) and a smaller version to post on your accounts. Please provide an email below so I can send it to you. Other things to note: I take payment upfront fully.
I do not give refunds if started. If a customer become needlessly aggressive or abusive I will be refunding what I haven't done but keeping an approximate amount for the efforts I have put in.
I have the right to post the commissioned work and advertise my art service using your piece.
I work monday to thursday on commissions. I take my time so as you get the best possible service out of me. I can take anywhere between 2-6 weeks for a commission.
Your commission might be streamed during the week. Please be professional with me and I will be with you. If I have to turn down your commission due to being full up, I will contact you next time they are open if requested.
What I won't draw:
Mecha (including robotic parts/airplanes/vehicles) Though I WILL draw a limb or prostetic that's robotic. Overwatch and WoW characters are the only variation with full sets of armour/robotics.
Armour that is metallic (leather armour is okay)
Feral Nsfw(yiff)
Rape/murder/hard core gore
Hate messages/slander/racism
What I like to draw!:
Muscle furs
​Overwatch characters! Mecha/armour is fine if it's this!
Fat furs (not giant inflation)
Couple scenes
Sexy pin ups
Light bondage
Steamy situations
Any genders
Cute stuff
World of warcraft related themes
Slice of life
Humans I love drawing most things but message me if you have any questions on what I will draw! C:​
Prices of art pieces

Single Character Commission
$40 extra for a detailed background. Though a couch or a bed does not cost extra.

2 Character commission
$70 per extra character after two. Â $40 extra for a detailed background. Though a couch or a bed does not cost extra from original price.

Comic Pages
$300 plus per page, 6 panels per page if needed.
See T.O.S for what I will and will not draw regards comics.

Refference Sheets $130 +
NSFW reff sheets $150+
Includes two full body shots
Four expressions
(Please note feral will not be nsfw!)One Feral or an extra full body pose if no feral (i.e alternate outfit)
Any extras or how intricate the character is will cost accordingly
